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Business Book of the Month

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The International
CTO Programme

The International Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Programme Book, is a comprehensive CTO handbook and C-suite bible, meticulously engineered to propel aspiring and seasoned technology executives..


£22.99 / $29.99

"Un libro no es solo un libro, hay todo un mundo dentro, un mundo que quizƔs nunca supimos que existƭa. Podemos caminar en los zapatos de otra persona, desafiar nuestras perspectivas y opiniones y descubrir mƔs sobre nosotros mismos. El regalo de un libro es un poderoso regalo de hecho!"

The Oak Island Code

Throughout the centuries, maps have often been told rather than drawn, and communicated through stories that we can remember. Rather than a church spire, a gnarled tree on a hill, a sea monster, or an X marking the spot, a landmark on a treasure map may equally be an event in time, an article in a newspaper, a record in an archive, or a painting, painted centuries after the event. Paper maps only record a moment in time, but following a trail through data can record directions across centuries


£11.99 / $14.99

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